

She’s walked away from me, so lonely I now stand,
Then a voice from above touches my ear and says “Chin Up Young Man”,
Emptiness filled my heart quickly, tears in my eyes as they slowly fell,
You have two beautiful children – continue to show them, love them, the voice said raise them well,
In life sometimes you must let go,
Use this time to prepare yourself, be strong, and continue to grow,
I fell to my knees asking to please help with the hurt,
The voice said I have been, but you must learn to trust me and let go first,
Rely not on your own understanding of how things are to be,
For you have seen what happens to those that have done the same before thee,
The voice continued on, as I wept, from my soul I cried,
He said son you musn’t lose faith in love, all will soon be alright,
I continue to pray for God has a plan for me,
He saw how my life could have turned, instead he sent an Angel down to talk to me,
The encouragement, the belief in love is too deep and won’t go away,
For the Angel sent down is my guide, my wisdom, that leads me day to day,
Onward I move with the gracious gift of love inside of me,
Chin Up Young Man, you will have love when God deems you ready!
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One response to ““CHIN UP YOUNG MAN””

  1. Brandie says:

    Very encouraging to someone who seems to has lost hope.

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