last night…..where were you?
after our call, our argument you said we were threw,
last night an old friend I ran into,
she saw my tears, as we shared a drink or two,
more than a few,
she shared with me her heartache too,
ironically we both were set free could this be true?
could this even be so possible?
that two hearts just coincidentally meet and know what each has been through,
last night I made love to someone new,
last night was all night, intriguing and new,
last night I experienced passion anew,
last night I wandered all night in between the legs of someone else who chose me – she already knew,
last night you were no longer the only choice, where were you?
I needed you last night, but I might guess you were making love to someone else too,
last night’s love for a moment was true,
for the moment it covered all the wrongs and rights, the hurt of loves bruise,
and for the first time in a long time last night she lay where you used to,
she lay there, nestled under my neck, and full moon – it was beautiful,
like a drug addict she was my temporary fix and for her I was too,
never thought this would be the road I’d experience or take……more like an avenue,
last night I experienced heartache I never knew….
last night was the first night of the beginning of growing away from you.
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